Pharmacy Technician



Practice safely within a legal, ethical and professional framework in practice settings.
Process prescriptions accurately in compliance with pertinent legislation and established standards, policies and procedures in practice settings.
Prepare pharmaceutical products for dispensing in compliance with pertinent legislation and established standards, policies and procedures in practice settings.
Release pharmaceutical products in compliance with pertinent legislation and established standards, policies and procedures in practice settings.
Collaborate with the pharmacist and other health care providers to optimize the patient's health and well-being within the scope of practice of the pharmacy technician.
Promote quality assurance by performing effective and efficient administrative functions in practice settings.
Optimize medication therapy management and product distribution using current technologies in practice settings.
Develop and implement effective strategies for ongoing personal and professional development that support currency, competence, ethics and values in the pharmacy sector.

Year 1

Anatomy & Physiology I
SCIE 157
This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. It will begin with an introduction to the organization and the cellular/tissue basis of the human body.
The systems that will be focused on in this course are: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special senses.

Communications I

COMM 201

This is an introductory course that provides a foundation in college-level communications by teaching students to read critically, write appropriately for a variety of audiences, conduct and cite research, and revise for clarity and correctness. In seminars and labs, students will engage in both independent and collaborative activities, including the development of a digital portfolio designed to help them become more effective communicators in academic and professional environments.

Pharmacy Business

HLTH 254

This course will provide the learner with an understanding of community pharmacy business practices and will introduce the student to the common third-party insurance plans used in community pharmacy practice. This will provide the student with the skills necessary for billing and reconciling third party claims. This course is designed to expose the learner to general principles of efficient inventory management in the pharmacy. The student will learn to control and maintain inventory, using most commonly used inventory systems such as; perpetual inventory. Pharmacy Business will prepare the learner to utilize pharmaceutical business terminology, procedures, customer service, record keeping, purchasing procedures, inventory control systems, pricing, merchandising, and reference materials while developing sound relationships with patients and coworkers.

Pharmacy Mathematics

MATH 106

This course will enable students to review and develop a working knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematical calculations and their application to pharmacy calculations. It is designed to complement and reinforce learning within other first semester courses and program areas.

Pharmacy Products

HLTH 252

This course will familiarize the learner with the fundamentals of drug names, classification of drugs and their indications for use. The student will learn the principles of generic and brand names of drugs as well as their classifications and common uses. Topics to be covered include generic and brand names, classifications of drugs such as; antibiotics, anti- viral, anti-fungal and the indications for use of those drugs studied. This course will also introduce the learner to common over-the-counter products, as well as natural health products sold in pharmacies and their customary uses and health benefits.

Professionalism in Pharmacy

HLTH 253

This course will prepare the learner for entry to practice by focusing on ethical principals in healthcare, and the moral standards and professionalism expected from a pharmacy technician. Through a variety of case studies, students will learn the proper code of ethics that governs the pharmacy field. This course introduces students to the values and beliefs associated with the code of ethics for members of the college of pharmacy. Throughout the course, learners will deal with a number of ethical issues that are encountered in everyday practice, and they will be introduced to the professional values such as altruism, fidelity, and veracity. Students will learn to demonstrate honesty, fairness, responsibility, integrity, care, empathy, compassion and respect. The learner will be introduced to sound decision making skills, problem solving and critical thinking skills.

Year 2

Anatomy & Physiology II

SCIE 158

This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of human anatomy and physiology as they pertain to the following systems: Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Endocrine, Immune, Respiratory, Urinary, Fluids & Electrolytes/Acid-Base and Reproductive.


Applied Pharmaceutical Calculations

MATH 107

This course provides intensive practice in pharmacy mathematical calculations and is designed to teach the essential mathematical concepts used on the job by the pharmacy technician.

Concepts in Health Care


This functional course will provide an overview of the Ontario Healthcare System. Students will examine the interdisciplinary role of healthcare professionals. Based on examination, students will dialogue about current issues and trends that impact the Ontario healthcare system, within the context of sustainability.

Pharmacology I

HLTH 258

The course is designed to introduce the learner to the fundamental concepts of pharmacology, dosage formulations and routes of drug administration. It will enable the student to understand the role of drugs in individualized patient care and will introduce the student to the recognition and association of generic and trade names of common and/or important medications, in community and hospital pharmacy practice. Introduced with this are the usual clinical applications, adverse effects, contraindications, common dosage regimens and administration considerations. Students will learn various mechanisms of drug action and understand pharmacokinetic processes that affect drug/body interaction. The student will learn the procedure for administration of pharmacologic agents as well as how to identify major drugs by their classification. Students will be introduced to drug indications, therapeutic uses, side effects, administration routes, and common dosages.

Pharmacy Software Fundamentals

COMP 481

In this course students will be learn to efficiently use the pharmacy software system in all aspects of daily dispensing that takes place in a community pharmacy. This course will emphasize the role of the registered pharmacy technician in relation to the Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics. The student will learn how to enter patient data, patient profiles, process prescriptions, create prescription labels and manage inventory while under the supervision of the pharmacist. Emphasis will be placed on accuracy, confidentiality and professionalism.

Safe Medication Practices

HLTH 257

This course is designed to promote positive patient outcomes by focusing on the cause and prevention of medication errors in the hospital and community settings. Errors in pharmacy are often the result of the interaction of a number of factors including: the individual, the organization and the environment. This course will describe each factor and present strategies to decrease the incidence of medication error in the pharmacy. Students will learn the importance of accurate dispensing, prescribing, and administering of medications when providing optimal patient care.

Standards of Practice and Legislation for Pharmacy Technicians

HLTH 255

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of current legislation as it relates to the role of the registered pharmacy technician in Ontario. The current standards of practice for practicing pharmacy technicians will be examined with emphasis placed on both federal and provincial acts relating to pharmacy practice. The emphasis of this course is placed on laws, regulations, various acts, ethical and legislative framework that influence the practice of Pharmacy Technicians. Students will learn the standards of practice that govern the pharmacy field. This course will provide students with an understanding of the necessary policy and procedures they will encounter during their careers, as well as the scope of practice of the Pharmacy Technician.


Clinical Pathology for Pharmacy Technicians

SCIE 145

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of pathophysiology. The student will build on their knowledge of Human Anatomy and Physiology by examining the pathological disease states using a systemic approach. The learner will examine many of the diseases affecting the human body as the understanding of these diseases is essential to determining the appropriate pharmacotherapeutic treatment of the patient. This course will take a systemic approach to investigate the causes, signs and symptoms, and effects of many diseases on the human body. The students will apply this knowledge of common diseases to determining the appropriate pharmacological treatments.

Comprehensive Exam Preparation Skills

HLTH 264

In this course, students will prepare for the Pharmacy Technician Qualifying Examinations for entry-to-practice of the Pharmacy Examining Board of Ghana.

Dispensing: Retail

HLTH 261

This course will introduce students to the various dispensing techniques and procedures commonly used in a community pharmacy with emphasis placed on the role of the registered pharmacy technician in relation to the role and responsibilities of the pharmacist. Students will learn basic concepts of dispensing such as; interpreting the prescription, translating abbreviations, dosage calculations, and determining the directions for patient use in accordance to current legislation. The course will train the student to accurately prepare the product for release.

Drug Distribution

HLTH 379

This course will introduce the learner to various drug distribution systems used in the institutional setting. Students will learn how a safe and efficient system identifies and corrects errors before a medication is administered to a patient. Students will learn the necessary procedures, skills, ethics and standards of practice required to ensure optimal patient safety and the efficient use of resources. This course will prepare learners to accurately prepare the final product for release within the scope of practice for registered pharmacy technicians.

Field Placement I: Community Pharmacy

FLPL 255

The learner will gain practical work experience in a community pharmacy. Under the supervision of a pharmacist, students will practice their skills to date for use in a community pharmacy. By the end of the placement, students will be able to fully function in all aspects of customer support of pharmacy services.

Field Preparation I

FLPL 167

This course prepares the Pharmacy Technician student for the first placement in a community pharmacy. It will entail exploring issues that impact community pharmacies including customer relations, team work, and professional conduct.

Introduction to Sterile Preparations

HLTH 399

This Course teaches the students an introduction to sterile compounding standards and requirements for preparation of personnel and the environment to ensure safe quality sterile preparations free from microbial contamination. Through lecture and lab students are introduced to the concepts of sterility as well as consumable products used during compounding. Students will learn and demonstrate basic aseptic manipulations with an emphasis on performing and verifying accurate checks and calculations for parenteral medications.

Pharmacology II

HLTH 259

This course, based on Pharmacology I, will provide a practical, applied approach to pharmacology. The student will enhance his/her ability to practice competently and contribute to a safe patient care setting. Students will gain knowledge related to the pharmacological uses of drugs within a variety of commonly encountered medical conditions. Students will learn various mechanisms of drug action and will further develop their knowledge of pharmacokinetic processes that affect drug/body interaction. They will learn the procedure for administration of pharmacologic agents as well as learning to identify major drugs by drug class. Students will continue their study of drug indications, therapeutic uses, side effects, administration routes, and common dosages.

Compounding II

HLTH 263

This course will build on the previously learned concepts of efficient preparation of non-sterile pharmaceutical preparations while continuing to maintain the necessary documentation, record keeping and quality assurance principles. Students will use their skills in pharmaceutical calculations to accurately determine the correct amount of ingredients. Labs may include preparing, capsules, suppositories, suspensions, ointments, transdermal creams, lotions, and lollipops. Proper and timely cleaning and maintenance of compounding equipment will continue to be stressed.

Sterile Preparations

HLTH 266

This course teaches the student the proper aseptic techniques in the preparation of sterile products. The learner will be familiarized with the basic principles of hand washing, and the ways to reduce microbial contamination in a pharmacy, with emphasis on the basic principles of infection control. Sterile products may include; intravenous admixtures, total parenteral nutrition, eye preparations and irrigation solutions. Students will apply their previous knowledge of dosage calculations, quality assurance, safe medication practices and the standards of practice.

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