Healthcare administration


Health-care administration is a broad-based discipline that serves individuals, communities, and entire populations in a variety of health-care environments. Health-care administration is an excellent career choice for the person who desires a profession in health care in one or more of the following areas: health-care policy and strategy, marketing, communication, business continuity and sustainability, law and ethics, business and project management, human resources, health information systems, and organizational behavior. Health-care professionals could plan marketing and communication initiatives; develop institutional strategies, policies, and procedures; manage staff and resources; and develop sustainability and continuity plans, among other responsibilities.

Program Objectives

After completing the Healthcare Administration Associate Diploma program, students will be able to:

1. Apply an understanding of medical office terminology, records management, patient, and laboratory procedures, and how to respond to medical emergencies.

2. Present a clear understanding of the structure and chemistry of the human body, disease, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and reproductive systems.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of the proper coding of diagnoses and medical procedures.

4. Display the skills of time management, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, written comprehension, communication, and research.

5. Explain how medical records are used, shared, and stored by the medical office, and the relationships between

these records and medical care, legal, and insurance, or billing concerns.

6. Identify and apply the fundamental principles of public speaking, speech criticism, audience analysis, and
effective delivery techniques.

7. Demonstrate a basic understanding of computer applications, and the broad implications of technological innovation on social organization in terms of personal, political, economic,

8. Demonstrate proficiency with English composition, including the ability to develop essays, and revise and edit
one’s work.

9. Demonstrate basic mathematical skill by describing mathematical reasoning and logic as the basis for data

A&P 150Human Anatomy4
A&P 151Human Physiology3
MA 161Medical Terminology3
PSYC 101General Introductory Psychology3
COMM 100Fundamentals of Oral Communication3
HCAD 302Health-Care Research and Statistics3
HCAD 305Health-Care Communication3
HCAD 328Health-Care Organizational Behavior3
HCAD 359Health-Care Marketing3
HCAD 374Health-Care Human Resources3
HCAD 380Writing for Health-Care Administrators3
HCAD 409Principles of Health-Care Administration3
HCAD 414Sustainability for Health-Care Management3
HCAD 498Health-Care Policy and Strategy3
HCBL 345Project Management in Health Care3
HCBL 346Legal and Ethical Environment in Health Care3
HCBL 471Information Systems Management in Health Care I4
HLIN 430Quality Management and Performance Improvement in Healthcare3
HCAD 491Health-Care Administration Practicum I5

HCAD 305. Health-Care Communication. 3 Units.

Basic communication applications of health-care organizations. Communication theory, language, oral reporting, conducting meetings and conferences, interpersonal techniques of listening and interviewing, nonverbal communication, crises management, and public relations and multicultural as well as ethical considerations.

HCAD 328. Health-Care Organizational Behavior. 3 Units.

Basic communication applications of health-care organizations. Communication theory, language, oral reporting, conducting meetings and conferences, interpersonal techniques of listening and interviewing, nonverbal communication, crises management, and public relations and multicultural as well as ethical considerations.

HCAD 359. Health-Care Marketing. 3 Units.

Surveys major marketing topics, including consumer behavior, product, pricing, placement, and promotions.

HCAD 374. Health-Care Human Resources. 3 Units.

Discusses theories and principles of traditional human resource management, as well as emerging trends and concepts. Explores hiring, training, personnel appraisal, task specialization, collective bargaining, compensation and benefits, and state and federal guidelines impacting human resources as well as assorted legal issues.

HCAD 380. Writing for Health-Care Administrators. 3 Units.

Expands upon entry-level writing coursework by teaching academic writing for the health-care environment. Develops information literacy, research, and writing skills through academic research and writing exercises.

HCAD 409. Principles of Health-Care Administration. 3 Units.

Introduction to the administration of organizations within the context of the economic, regulatory, and financial constraints of the health-care delivery system. Areas covered include concepts of organizational management; the management functions (planning, decision making, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling); budgeting; committees and teams; adaptation, motivation, and conflict management; authority, leadership, supervision; and human resource management.

HCAD 414. Sustainability for Healthcare Management. 3 Units.

Approaches health care management by focusing on health-care sustainability guidelines that reflect the intrinsic relationship between delivering quality health care and the ecological health of the community. Examines social trends and drivers of sustainable health systems and explores various approaches for health care providers and systems to become better stewards of the environment. Studies the relationship between hospital design, sustainability initiatives, and quality of care.

HCAD 498. Health-Care Policy and Strategy. 3 Units.

Provides a comprehensive toolkit for health-care administrators to conduct policy and strategy development. Explores tools and techniques for internal and external environmental analysis and development of directional, adaptive, market entry, value-adding and other institutional strategies. Addresses action plans and strategy communication.

HCBL 345. Project Management in Health Care. 3 Units.

Evaluate, recommend, negotiate, and manage projects for health-care applications. Project management techniques that integrate resources and facilitate workflow to produce desired outcomes.

HCBL 434. Financial Management for Health Care. 3 Units.

Budget variance analysis, analysis of cost components, operating statements, and productivity related to a department budget. Examines financial accounting systems, financial evaluation ratios, and reports. Cost benefits realization preparation.

HCBL 471. Information Systems Management in Health Care I. 4 Units.

Detailed analysis of information systems used to support patient care, with emphasis on system development life cycle and support of health information technologies. Focuses on information governance initiatives.

HLIN 430. Quality Management and Performance Improvement in Health Care. 3 Units.

Continuous quality improvement methodologies and processes applied to patient safety and satisfaction, internal and external regulatory requirements, risk management, evidence-based medicine, and utilization review to achieve optimum patient care.

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