Health Assistant Course Curriculum - 8 Months

Quarter I

Introduction to Health

Role of a Healthcare Assistant

Introduction to Computers

English Comprehension

Basic Math

Patient Assessment

Vital Signs – Measurement

Input & Output Record

Medical Terminology

Quarter II

Anatomy & Physiology

Communication/ Presentation

Human Body in Health & Disease

Medication Administration

Patient Care 1

Bed Bathing

Wound care

Infection control

Emergency Preparedness

Infection control

Ethical Consideration/Grooming

Legal Implication

Patient Care II

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Medical Terminology II

Quarter III


Prep for Certification Examinations -NVTI


Program Outcome and Course Outline

The Health Assistant program is designed to educate students in four phases:

  1. Explore
  2. Learn & Practice
  3. Reflect
  4. Reinforce

Phase 1: Explore

Activity: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

In this activity, students work in teams to demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication, empathy and tact when discussing a medical diagnosis with their team member.

Phase 2: Learn & Practice

Unit 1: Health Assisting

In this unit, students will learn about: the health care team, including line of authority, types of health care facilities, career opportunities, educational requirements, student organizations, and professional development. 

  1. Health Care Teams 
  2. Facilities 
  3. Education and Credentials 
  4. Quiz

Unit 2: Nursing

In this unit, students will learn about: nursing care delivery models and the five steps of the nursing process and the roles of nurse assistants in those models and processes. 

  1. Nursing Care Delivery Models 
  2. The Nursing Process 
  3. Quiz

Unit 3: Qualities of Health Assistants

In this unit, students will learn about: personality traits needed in the medical field, how to interact with patients and team members, problem-solving techniques, stress management, verbal and nonverbal communication, and communication techniques. 

  1. Personality Traits 
  2. Communication 
  3. Quiz

Unit 4: Infection Control and Safety Precautions

In this unit, students will learn about: infection control and hand cleansing, standard and transmission-based precautions, the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, vaccinations, containing medical wastes, health care facility safety guidelines, reporting violations, and the appropriate agencies to contact. 

  1. Infection Control 
  2. Safety Precautions 
  3. Violations 
  4. Quiz

Unit 5: Legal Conduct

In this unit, students will learn about legal aspects of medical practice, including criminal and civil law, tort and contracts, Scope of Practice, privileged communication, HIPAA, and technology and patient privacy. 


  1. Law
  2. Scope of Practice
  3. Privileged
  4. Communication
  5. Quiz

Unit 6: Patient Rights and Code of Ethics

In this unit, students will learn about informed consent and exceptions, the Patient’s Bill of Rights, the Resident’s Bill of Rights, laws, ethics, morals, code of ethics, and ethical and bioethical dilemmas. 

  1. Informed Consent 
  2. Patient and Resident Rights 
  3. Ethics 
  4. Quiz

Unit 7: Communication Exercise

In this exercise, students will observe a scenario involving communication between a healthcare worker and a patient. After two scenario endings, students answer questions to check their understanding. 

  1. Communication Exercise

Phase 3: Reflect

Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students will journal about being a competent health care assistant and continuing professional development. A class discussion on these topics can follow.

Phase 4: Reinforce

Activity: Job Search

In this activity, students analyze job advertisements, write a resume and cover letter, and prepare for an interview.

Activity: Self-Portrait

In this activity, students set a career goal for themselves and assesses their strengths and weaknesses as related to achieving their career goal.

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